Zonta Club of Brainerd
The Brainerd, MN Zonta Club was officially chartered on November 16, 1954. Since that time, it has worked to support both local and international efforts to improve the lives of women and girls. The Brainerd club is the local chapter of Zonta International which is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Zonta International was founded in 1919 in Buffalo, New York. Presently there are over 30,000 members in more than 66 countries. Please visit the official website of Zonta International at www.zonta.org to get more detailed information on the many facets of the organization and its many projects. The name Zonta is from the Lakota Sioux Indian word meaning “honest and trustworthy.” Zonta is an international service organization whose goal is to advance the status of women worldwide. Through service, education and advocacy at the Zonta club level and through support for Zonta International programs, Zontians work together to make women’s equality a reality, not just in our local communities, but in our global community as well.
The recipient of the Zonta Scholarship will be a woman with preference in planning on majoring in one the the STEM fields and who shows financial need.